Published Author

RELEASE DATE: 15 September 2021

Horace Jones just wants a quiet life. But those pages lying there on the coffee table? They may spell disaster, the final spark to light the burning pyre of his privacy. 

A quirky, humorous story for everyone who ever dreamed of being famous—or had nightmares about it. 

Published Author

Horace Jones chewed his lip as he rode the elevator up seven floors to his Manhattan apartment. At the door, he hesitated. Was it really over? He eased the door open and peered into the dark. “Hello? Domino?”

His black-and-white terrier-something ran toward him, ears perked.

“Is it safe?” Horace asked as he flipped on the light. 

Domino thumped his stubby tail on the wood floor.

“All right then.” 

Slamming the door, Horace secured the lock and scanned the near-empty living room: one couch, one table, one chair, one empty bookshelf.

 The dog ran to the couch, barking. His tail knocked the table. A piece of paper fluttered gently to the ground.

“No!” Horace threw himself down, sobbing. His fists beat the hardwood floor and hot tears streaked down his face. “No! Not again!”

Domino whined in confusion.

Defeated, Horace crawled forward. With trembling hands he lifted up the paper, dreading what he would see…

“A bill! Oh, thank all my lucky stars, a bill! Look!” He shoved the bill from the dog-walker in Domino’s face, laughing giddily. “A bill!” He rushed to the bookshelf to check the layer of dust.  “Empty!”

Horace collapsed on his plush red couch, smiling at the empty shelves. “No one understands, Domino. They don’t know the burden I live with.” But the bookshelf remained empty. For the first time in weeks he felt safe, completely at peace with himself.

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