Dancer, Dreamer, Seer – Out Now!

Congratulations Liana Brooks on the release of Dancer, Dreamer, Seer this week! Dancer, Dreamer, Seer is a fantasy story. Running out of time to perfect the Dance that determines his future career and success, Dallon practices for hours on end. His sister Dasha watches and supports him—but longs to choose a Dance for herself…

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Welcome To The World, Inklet #61

The Inklet Fire Bright by Amy Laurens makes its debut this week! Fire Bright is a dark fantasy story. The absolute last thing Adela wants? Rather, um, heated dreams about Jiri, her school archnemesis now on the opposite side of a violent, magical culture war. Unfortunately, her subconscious disagrees. Or the magical fate potion Anamata disagrees.…

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Dragon Tuesday, Inklet #13

This week, we are excited to introduce Dragon Tuesday by Amy Laurens to the globe! Dragon Tuesday is a YA fantasy story. On a hot and stuffy afternoon, Chay and Sham want ice cream—and to spot the strange dragon that appears on the streets every Tuesday first this time. But when a metallic, boxy beast appears…

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